Diablo 3 Ps4 Modded Weapons Download

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Diablo IIINewsDiablo III Console Patch 1.0.3 Fights Item Hacks
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  2. Diablo 3 Ps4 Modded Weapons Download

Im new to Diablo and someone joined in my lobby with a bunch of crazy gear. I think it was modded, but how did they get it onto the PS4? I wanted some of his gear but he dont wanted to share. Anyone who can show me some and give me some modded gear?:o. Get Overpowered Fast. Quick Delivery of a large Selection of Diablo 3 Mods for PS4, Playstation 4, PS5 Playstation 5, Xbox One, Switch and Xbox Series X, S. Diablo 3 modded items and modded gear are available on Softcore and Hardcore. Our Goal is to get these modded items to you with out you having to go through the trouble of looking for Diablo immortal sets and items yourself.

The patch also sets up character exports to the 'Ultimate Evil Edition'

The standard Diablo III console game on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 has been patched, up to patch 1.0.3. The patch is primarily to set up the ability to transfer character save data from the base console Diablo III game, to the upcoming
Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition version. The patch also includes changes to fight the rampant item hacking in the console version of Diablo III. Here are the details on the new Diablo III console patch, and the character copy.
Diablo III Console Patch 1.0.3 for PS3 and Xbox 360
The Diablo III console patch 1.0.3 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 is not a content patch. The official patch notes have not been listed, but from details provided by Diablo III community manager Lylirra, here is what console Diablo III players can expect in the patch:
Diablo III console patch 1.0.3 is now live for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It implemented and activated cross-brand/cross-generation transfers for Ultimate Evil Edition. We also incorporated some measures to help reduce the impact, and hopefully the prevalence, of hacked items within the game.
Reports on the Diablo III console forum discuss the item changes. The Diablo III 1.0.3 console patch fixes items or gems that are clearly hacked, which contain more than 6 item affixes. Those items are automatically rerolled to have the proper number of stats on them.
The cross-brand/cross-generation transfers involve exporting save data from the base console version of Diablo III, to the upcoming Ultimate Evil Edition. Read on for more details about those transfers, and dealing with console freezes from the Diablo III console patch 1.0.3.
There have been problems with some PlayStation 3 consoles freezing, after updating to the console Diablo III patch 1.0.3. This is being investigated in a Battle.net thread, with requests for information from players who run into these problems. This news will automatically update as more blue posts are provided about this topic. Greetings adventurers,
[UPDATE] (8/11) - Patch 1.0.4 is now available in all regions.
[UPDATE] 1:20 PM PDT (8/7) – Patch 1.0.4 is now available for PlayStation in the Americas region, which addresses the console freezes that have been affecting some players. SCEE (Europe) and SCEJ (Japan) will also be patched; however, the patches for those regions will be rolled out at a later time. Please note that Xbox will not be receiving this patch, as the issue only affects PlayStation users.
If you continue to experience any issues after downloading and installing the corrective patch, please update the thread. Thank you!
[UPDATE] 11 a.m. PDT (8/6) - Thanks everyone for your continued patience and for helping submit the requested information! With your assistance we were able to track down the issue more quickly, and believe that we have now established the cause of the issue. As such, we are currently working to resolve this with a minor patch - although we don't yet have the exact ETA for when this patch will be pushed, we don't expect it will be too much longer from now.
We'll return to the post with further updates as soon as they become available.
[UPDATE] 3:45 p.m. PDT - If you are continuing to experience issues with Diablo III freezing up after having installed the latest patch, please respond below with the following information:
  • Make/Model of router
  • Is UPnP enabled on the router: To determine this, please refer to the instruction manual included with the router for specific instructions.
  • Is port 3074 forwarded? - To check this, please visit the following page and select your router and then Diablo III for your appropriate console.
  • Please also let us know whether there are any other game consoles on the same network.

Thank you for contributing this information! We will continue to update the thread with more info as it becomes available.
Today a new patch was released for both PlayStation 3 (25601) and Xbox 360 (25238), which lays the groundwork for us to allow character exports between current-gen and next-gen console platforms. Although some players have been able to update just fine, there are reports from others that the game is locking up on the PS3.
We are currently investigating the issue, and will be sure to update you as soon as more information becomes available. In the meantime, you may want to try the following troubleshooting step which was offered here.
1. Sign out of PSN and launch the game -- OK
2. Click more options and select export save -- It'll prompt you to sign in, do that, you might get an error that says the diablo servers are busy, (this may take several attempts).

Thanks to Regor for the assist, and to everyone else who is currently affected for hanging in there.

still having problems after logging out, exporting data then trying to connect to a friends party or play solo, will freeze at the loading screen,

Greetings Aciniss, if you have the game disc you might try exporting the save to an external drive and then delete the game save data and general game data from the console. Then, reinsert the disc and run the game and it will update appropriately if the console is connected online. Then, exit the game and reimport the save file from the external device as that may do the trick.
With four different consoles able to run the Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition, there are a lot of possibilities for transferring save data from the old console version of Diablo III. Here are all the details on how to go about moving from the old version of the game to the feature-filled Ultimate Evil Edition.

With the launch of Diablo® III: Reaper of Souls™ - Ultimate Evil Edition™ just around the corner, many of you are probably wondering what to do with your characters from the original game—especially if you've adopted a next-generation console. Well, wonder no more.

As of today, 'cross-brand' and 'cross-generational' transfers have been enabled for Diablo III on supported PlayStation® and Xbox® platforms. These transfers will allow players to export their save data from Diablo III on the PS3™ and Xbox 360™ and import it to Ultimate Evil Edition on the PS4™ or Xbox One™.

Played Diablo III on the PS3, but want to pick up and slay with Ultimate Evil Edition on the Xbox One? No problem! Previously mowed down some demons on the Xbox 360, but are now looking to cull hordes of renegade angels on the PS4? We've got you covered. The process of transferring your saved data is simple, and we've included a step-by-step guide below to get you started.

Export Save Options and Instructions:

If you will be playing Ultimate Evil Edition on the same console on which you are currently playing Diablo III, follow the steps below to transfer your data.

Step 1: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.

Success! The game will automatically check for a cloud save or local save on the system and load it, if one exists. (Note: If you are using online storage for PS3, please be sure to download your saved data first.)

If you will be playing Ultimate Evil Edition on a different console (same brand, different generation), follow the steps below to transfer your data.

Exporting Your Save from Diablo III:

Free air chicago towel folder manual. Step 1: Insert your original Diablo III disc or launch the digital version of the game.
Step 2: Download and install patch 1.0.3 for Diablo III.
Step 3: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) or Xbox Live (XBL) account.
Step 4: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
Step 5: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've exported your save data.

Importing Your Save to Ultimate Evil Edition:

Step 1: Log in to the same SEN or XBLaccount from which you exported your save.
Step 2: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.

Success! The game will now automatically check our servers for exported save data and load it on your new platform.

Manually Importing a Save:

If you launched Ultimate Evil Edition on a new platform before you exported your save, you will need to import your save manually. To manually import a save, follow these steps:

Step 1: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.
Step 2: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network or Xbox Live account.
Step 3: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
Step 4: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've imported your save. (Note: Manually importing a save will overwrite any existing Ultimate Evil Edition save data currently on your system.)

If you will be playing Ultimate Evil Edition on a different console (different brand, different generation), follow the steps below to transfer your data.

Linking Your Sony Entertainment Network and Xbox Live Accounts:

Step 1: Create an SEN and XBL account, if you don't already have both.
Step 2: Visit http://battle.net/playstation.
Step 3: Log in to Battle.net with your account, or create a new Battle.net account.
Step 4: Press 'Continue.' You will be redirected to Sony.
Step 5: Log in to your SEN account you'll be importing a save from (or exporting a save to).
Step 6: Using the same browser, visit http://battle.net/xbox.
Step 7: Press 'Continue.' You will be redirected to Microsoft.
Step 8: Log in to the XBL account you'll be importing a save from (or exporting a save to).

Success! Your SEN and XBL accounts are now linked. You are now ready to import and export saves across brands and platform generations.

Exporting Your Save from Diablo III:

Step 1: Insert your original Diablo III disc or launch the digital version of the game.
Step 2: Download and install patch 1.0.3 for Diablo III.
Step 3: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) or Xbox Live (XBL) account.
Step 4: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
Step 5: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've exported your save data.

Importing Your Save to Ultimate Evil Edition:

Step 1: Log in to the same SEN or XBLaccount from which you exported your save.
Step 2: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.

Viking conquest shield taunt. Success! The game will now automatically check our servers for exported save data and load it on your new platform.

Manually Importing a Save:

If you launched Ultimate Evil Edition on a new platform before you exported your save, you will need to import your save manually. To manually import a save, follow these steps:

Step 1: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.
Step 2: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network or Xbox Live account.
Step 3: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
Step 4: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've imported your save. (Note: Manually importing a save will overwrite any existing Ultimate Evil Edition save data currently on your system.)

Q. What types of cross-brand and cross-generation transfers are supported for Ultimate Evil Edition?

The following transfers are currently supported:

  • PS3 > Xbox One
  • Xbox 360 > PS4
  • PS3 > PS4
  • Xbox 360 > Xbox One

The goal of cross-brand/cross-generational transfers is to support players who may have switched brands when next-gen systems were released for PlayStation and Xbox, but don't want to leave their progress from original Diablo III behind when upgrading to the Ultimate Evil Edition.

As a follow up to that, please note that the following cross-platform transfers will not be supported: Tmpgenc 4.0 xpress download.

  • Xbox 360 > PS3
  • PS3 > Xbox 360
  • PS4 > Xbox One
  • Xbox One > PS4

Saved data will be automatically loaded after installation of same-platform upgrades to Ultimate Evil Edition (PS3 > PS3 and Xbox 360 > Xbox 360).

Q. Will I be able to transfer my game data from PC to console for Ultimate Evil Edition?

No. You will not be able to transfer your game data from PC to any supported console platform for Ultimate Evil Edition (or vice-versa).

Q. What data will transfer?

Your hero, item, and game progress data will all transfer.

Q. Will my pre-order bonuses from original Diablo III transfer?

Yes. Your pre-order bonuses from original Diablo III will transfer to Ultimate Evil Edition, but only if you're moving to the same brand (i.e. PS3 > PS4 or Xbox 360 > Xbox One). Once these bonuses are transferred, new heroes on your account will also receive them upon creation.

Pre-order bonuses from original D3 will not transfer if you're moving to a different brand (i.e. PS3 > Xbox One, Xbox 360 > PS4).

Q. Will my Sony-exclusive content from original Diablo III transfer?

Yes, but only if you're moving from PS3 to PS4. If you move from PS3 to Xbox One, please note that you will permanently lose access to all Sony-exclusive content on your account.

Q. Will my Achievements and Trophies transfer from Diablo III to Ultimate Evil Edition?

No. Each version of Diablo III and Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition has its own set of Achievements and Trophies. When you upgrade from Diablo III to the Ultimate Evil Edition, you will find a whole new set of achievements and trophies to unlock.

Q. What if I no longer have access to my original Diablo III disc and/or current-gen platform?

If you no longer have access to your original Diablo III disc and/or current-gen platform, don't worry—you may still be able to transfer your save data to another brand or platform generation for Ultimate Evil Edition.

You'll need your save file (available via cloud storage, USB, hard drive, or memory unit), any current-gen Diablo III disc or a digital version of the game, and access to a current-gen platform (as with the disc, the platform doesn't need to be yours).

From there, follow these quick steps.

Step 1: Insert the original Diablo III disc or launch the digital version of the game.
Step 2: Ensure that you are connected to the Internet.
Step 3: Download and install patch 1.0.3 for Diablo III onto the system.
Step 4: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network or Xbox Live account.
Step 5:Import your saved data as normal (Xbox 360, PS3).
Step 6: Depending on what kind of transfer you're looking to process at this point, refer to the appropriate category below for instructions on how to export and import saves from Diablo III to Ultimate Evil Edition.

Q. If I play Ultimate Evil Edition on PS3 or Xbox 360, will I be able to transfer my save file to PS4 or Xbox One?

Yes. The PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Ultimate Evil Edition will have an Export Save option for players who wish to transfer their progress to PS4 or Xbox One at a later date. In order to use this option, though, you will need to first purchase Ultimate Evil Edition on the corresponding next-generation platform.

To export your save from PS3/Xbox 360 to PS4/Xbox One, follow the instructions linked below:

Q. Will I be able to transfer my save file from PS4 and Xbox One to PS3 and Xbox 360?

No. You may only transfer your saves forward (i.e. from current-gen to next-gen platforms), not backwards (i.e. from next-gen to current-gen platforms).

Q. Are there any rewards for linking my PlayStation Network and/or Xbox Live account with my Battle.net account?

Yes! Players who link their Sony Entertainment Network and/or Xbox Live accounts with their Battle.net account will receive an exclusive reward, the Signet Ring of the Blizzard.

Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition version. The patch also includes changes to fight the rampant item hacking in the console version of Diablo III. Here are the details on the new Diablo III console patch, and the character copy.
Diablo III Console Patch 1.0.3 for PS3 and Xbox 360
The Diablo III console patch 1.0.3 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 is not a content patch. The official patch notes have not been listed, but from details provided by Diablo III community manager Lylirra, here is what console Diablo III players can expect in the patch:
Diablo III console patch 1.0.3 is now live for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. It implemented and activated cross-brand/cross-generation transfers for Ultimate Evil Edition. We also incorporated some measures to help reduce the impact, and hopefully the prevalence, of hacked items within the game.
Reports on the Diablo III console forum discuss the item changes. The Diablo III 1.0.3 console patch fixes items or gems that are clearly hacked, which contain more than 6 item affixes. Those items are automatically rerolled to have the proper number of stats on them.
The cross-brand/cross-generation transfers involve exporting save data from the base console version of Diablo III, to the upcoming Ultimate Evil Edition. Read on for more details about those transfers, and dealing with console freezes from the Diablo III console patch 1.0.3.
There have been problems with some PlayStation 3 consoles freezing, after updating to the console Diablo III patch 1.0.3. This is being investigated in a Battle.net thread, with requests for information from players who run into these problems. This news will automatically update as more blue posts are provided about this topic. Greetings adventurers,
[UPDATE] (8/11) - Patch 1.0.4 is now available in all regions.
[UPDATE] 1:20 PM PDT (8/7) – Patch 1.0.4 is now available for PlayStation in the Americas region, which addresses the console freezes that have been affecting some players. SCEE (Europe) and SCEJ (Japan) will also be patched; however, the patches for those regions will be rolled out at a later time. Please note that Xbox will not be receiving this patch, as the issue only affects PlayStation users.
If you continue to experience any issues after downloading and installing the corrective patch, please update the thread. Thank you!
[UPDATE] 11 a.m. PDT (8/6) - Thanks everyone for your continued patience and for helping submit the requested information! With your assistance we were able to track down the issue more quickly, and believe that we have now established the cause of the issue. As such, we are currently working to resolve this with a minor patch - although we don't yet have the exact ETA for when this patch will be pushed, we don't expect it will be too much longer from now.
We'll return to the post with further updates as soon as they become available.
[UPDATE] 3:45 p.m. PDT - If you are continuing to experience issues with Diablo III freezing up after having installed the latest patch, please respond below with the following information:
  • Make/Model of router
  • Is UPnP enabled on the router: To determine this, please refer to the instruction manual included with the router for specific instructions.
  • Is port 3074 forwarded? - To check this, please visit the following page and select your router and then Diablo III for your appropriate console.
  • Please also let us know whether there are any other game consoles on the same network.

Thank you for contributing this information! We will continue to update the thread with more info as it becomes available.
Today a new patch was released for both PlayStation 3 (25601) and Xbox 360 (25238), which lays the groundwork for us to allow character exports between current-gen and next-gen console platforms. Although some players have been able to update just fine, there are reports from others that the game is locking up on the PS3.
We are currently investigating the issue, and will be sure to update you as soon as more information becomes available. In the meantime, you may want to try the following troubleshooting step which was offered here.
1. Sign out of PSN and launch the game -- OK
2. Click more options and select export save -- It'll prompt you to sign in, do that, you might get an error that says the diablo servers are busy, (this may take several attempts).

Thanks to Regor for the assist, and to everyone else who is currently affected for hanging in there.

still having problems after logging out, exporting data then trying to connect to a friends party or play solo, will freeze at the loading screen,

Greetings Aciniss, if you have the game disc you might try exporting the save to an external drive and then delete the game save data and general game data from the console. Then, reinsert the disc and run the game and it will update appropriately if the console is connected online. Then, exit the game and reimport the save file from the external device as that may do the trick.
With four different consoles able to run the Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition, there are a lot of possibilities for transferring save data from the old console version of Diablo III. Here are all the details on how to go about moving from the old version of the game to the feature-filled Ultimate Evil Edition.

With the launch of Diablo® III: Reaper of Souls™ - Ultimate Evil Edition™ just around the corner, many of you are probably wondering what to do with your characters from the original game—especially if you've adopted a next-generation console. Well, wonder no more.

As of today, 'cross-brand' and 'cross-generational' transfers have been enabled for Diablo III on supported PlayStation® and Xbox® platforms. These transfers will allow players to export their save data from Diablo III on the PS3™ and Xbox 360™ and import it to Ultimate Evil Edition on the PS4™ or Xbox One™.

Played Diablo III on the PS3, but want to pick up and slay with Ultimate Evil Edition on the Xbox One? No problem! Previously mowed down some demons on the Xbox 360, but are now looking to cull hordes of renegade angels on the PS4? We've got you covered. The process of transferring your saved data is simple, and we've included a step-by-step guide below to get you started.

Export Save Options and Instructions:

If you will be playing Ultimate Evil Edition on the same console on which you are currently playing Diablo III, follow the steps below to transfer your data.

Step 1: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.

Success! The game will automatically check for a cloud save or local save on the system and load it, if one exists. (Note: If you are using online storage for PS3, please be sure to download your saved data first.)

If you will be playing Ultimate Evil Edition on a different console (same brand, different generation), follow the steps below to transfer your data.

Exporting Your Save from Diablo III:

Free air chicago towel folder manual. Step 1: Insert your original Diablo III disc or launch the digital version of the game.
Step 2: Download and install patch 1.0.3 for Diablo III.
Step 3: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) or Xbox Live (XBL) account.
Step 4: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
Step 5: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've exported your save data.

Importing Your Save to Ultimate Evil Edition:

Step 1: Log in to the same SEN or XBLaccount from which you exported your save.
Step 2: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.

Success! The game will now automatically check our servers for exported save data and load it on your new platform.

Manually Importing a Save:

If you launched Ultimate Evil Edition on a new platform before you exported your save, you will need to import your save manually. To manually import a save, follow these steps:

Step 1: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.
Step 2: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network or Xbox Live account.
Step 3: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
Step 4: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've imported your save. (Note: Manually importing a save will overwrite any existing Ultimate Evil Edition save data currently on your system.)

If you will be playing Ultimate Evil Edition on a different console (different brand, different generation), follow the steps below to transfer your data.

Linking Your Sony Entertainment Network and Xbox Live Accounts:

Step 1: Create an SEN and XBL account, if you don't already have both.
Step 2: Visit http://battle.net/playstation.
Step 3: Log in to Battle.net with your account, or create a new Battle.net account.
Step 4: Press 'Continue.' You will be redirected to Sony.
Step 5: Log in to your SEN account you'll be importing a save from (or exporting a save to).
Step 6: Using the same browser, visit http://battle.net/xbox.
Step 7: Press 'Continue.' You will be redirected to Microsoft.
Step 8: Log in to the XBL account you'll be importing a save from (or exporting a save to).

Success! Your SEN and XBL accounts are now linked. You are now ready to import and export saves across brands and platform generations.

Exporting Your Save from Diablo III:

Step 1: Insert your original Diablo III disc or launch the digital version of the game.
Step 2: Download and install patch 1.0.3 for Diablo III.
Step 3: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) or Xbox Live (XBL) account.
Step 4: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
Step 5: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've exported your save data.

Importing Your Save to Ultimate Evil Edition:

Step 1: Log in to the same SEN or XBLaccount from which you exported your save.
Step 2: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.

Viking conquest shield taunt. Success! The game will now automatically check our servers for exported save data and load it on your new platform.

Manually Importing a Save:

If you launched Ultimate Evil Edition on a new platform before you exported your save, you will need to import your save manually. To manually import a save, follow these steps:

Step 1: Insert your Ultimate Evil Edition disc or launch the digital version of the game.
Step 2: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network or Xbox Live account.
Step 3: Proceed to the main menu. Navigate to 'More' > 'Export Save.'
Step 4: Confirm this selection and proceed through any prompts that appear.

Success! You've imported your save. (Note: Manually importing a save will overwrite any existing Ultimate Evil Edition save data currently on your system.)

Q. What types of cross-brand and cross-generation transfers are supported for Ultimate Evil Edition?

The following transfers are currently supported:

  • PS3 > Xbox One
  • Xbox 360 > PS4
  • PS3 > PS4
  • Xbox 360 > Xbox One

The goal of cross-brand/cross-generational transfers is to support players who may have switched brands when next-gen systems were released for PlayStation and Xbox, but don't want to leave their progress from original Diablo III behind when upgrading to the Ultimate Evil Edition.

As a follow up to that, please note that the following cross-platform transfers will not be supported: Tmpgenc 4.0 xpress download.

  • Xbox 360 > PS3
  • PS3 > Xbox 360
  • PS4 > Xbox One
  • Xbox One > PS4

Saved data will be automatically loaded after installation of same-platform upgrades to Ultimate Evil Edition (PS3 > PS3 and Xbox 360 > Xbox 360).

Q. Will I be able to transfer my game data from PC to console for Ultimate Evil Edition?

No. You will not be able to transfer your game data from PC to any supported console platform for Ultimate Evil Edition (or vice-versa).

Q. What data will transfer?

Your hero, item, and game progress data will all transfer.

Q. Will my pre-order bonuses from original Diablo III transfer?

Yes. Your pre-order bonuses from original Diablo III will transfer to Ultimate Evil Edition, but only if you're moving to the same brand (i.e. PS3 > PS4 or Xbox 360 > Xbox One). Once these bonuses are transferred, new heroes on your account will also receive them upon creation.

Pre-order bonuses from original D3 will not transfer if you're moving to a different brand (i.e. PS3 > Xbox One, Xbox 360 > PS4).

Q. Will my Sony-exclusive content from original Diablo III transfer?

Yes, but only if you're moving from PS3 to PS4. If you move from PS3 to Xbox One, please note that you will permanently lose access to all Sony-exclusive content on your account.

Q. Will my Achievements and Trophies transfer from Diablo III to Ultimate Evil Edition?

No. Each version of Diablo III and Diablo III Ultimate Evil Edition has its own set of Achievements and Trophies. When you upgrade from Diablo III to the Ultimate Evil Edition, you will find a whole new set of achievements and trophies to unlock.

Q. What if I no longer have access to my original Diablo III disc and/or current-gen platform?

If you no longer have access to your original Diablo III disc and/or current-gen platform, don't worry—you may still be able to transfer your save data to another brand or platform generation for Ultimate Evil Edition.

You'll need your save file (available via cloud storage, USB, hard drive, or memory unit), any current-gen Diablo III disc or a digital version of the game, and access to a current-gen platform (as with the disc, the platform doesn't need to be yours).

From there, follow these quick steps.

Step 1: Insert the original Diablo III disc or launch the digital version of the game.
Step 2: Ensure that you are connected to the Internet.
Step 3: Download and install patch 1.0.3 for Diablo III onto the system.
Step 4: Log in to your Sony Entertainment Network or Xbox Live account.
Step 5:Import your saved data as normal (Xbox 360, PS3).
Step 6: Depending on what kind of transfer you're looking to process at this point, refer to the appropriate category below for instructions on how to export and import saves from Diablo III to Ultimate Evil Edition.

Q. If I play Ultimate Evil Edition on PS3 or Xbox 360, will I be able to transfer my save file to PS4 or Xbox One?

Yes. The PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Ultimate Evil Edition will have an Export Save option for players who wish to transfer their progress to PS4 or Xbox One at a later date. In order to use this option, though, you will need to first purchase Ultimate Evil Edition on the corresponding next-generation platform.

To export your save from PS3/Xbox 360 to PS4/Xbox One, follow the instructions linked below:

Q. Will I be able to transfer my save file from PS4 and Xbox One to PS3 and Xbox 360?

No. You may only transfer your saves forward (i.e. from current-gen to next-gen platforms), not backwards (i.e. from next-gen to current-gen platforms).

Q. Are there any rewards for linking my PlayStation Network and/or Xbox Live account with my Battle.net account?

Yes! Players who link their Sony Entertainment Network and/or Xbox Live accounts with their Battle.net account will receive an exclusive reward, the Signet Ring of the Blizzard.

The Signet Ring of the Blizzard is a level 11 Legendary ring that will provide your characters with a nice damage bonus as well as a chance to freeze enemies on hit. Thanks to the guaranteed 'Level Reduced by 10' affix, the ring can be worn immediately by new heroes.

This item will be delivered to all new characters via in-game mail upon creation. (Note: You must have an Internet connection to claim the Signet Ring of the Blizzard.)

Q. I don't have a Sony Entertainment Network account and an Xbox Live account. Will I have to link both to my Battle.net account in order to get the Signet Ring of the Blizzard?

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No. You only need to link one account (Sony Entertainment Network or Xbox Live) with your Battle.net account in order to qualify for the Signet Ring of the Blizzard.

If you have an SEN account and an XBL account, but only choose to link one, the account which you link with Battle.net will be the one on which you receive the ring.

Q. Will the Signet Ring of the Blizzard transfer cross-brand and/or cross-generation?

Yes, the Signet Ring of the Blizzard will transfer with you and will be available to new heroes created on your account after you've moved across brands or platform generations.

It's never been easier to jump back into the game and continue leveling your characters as you explore the Ultimate Evil Edition.

What epic loot will you find, and what builds will you create? There's only one way to find out. We'll see you in Westmarch, nephalem!

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The Ultimate Evil Edition is less than two weeks from release; console players on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One can jump into it on August 19.

broken image